Devone Charles - Software Developer
QA engineer turned software developer, I am excited to start my software creation journey. I recently completed the USF Software Engineering Bootcamp and I am ready to apply the skills I have learned. As a QA engineer, I have gained valuable experience in testing and identifying bugs in software systems, which has provided me with a strong foundation in understanding the software development process. By transitioning into a software developer role, I have the opportunity to write code and design and develop innovative solutions. I am eager to expand my technical skills and embrace new challenges in order to become a proficient software developer. Although the transition may require additional learning and adaptation, I am confident that my experience as a QA engineer will provide me with a unique perspective and enhance my ability to deliver high-quality software products.
Capstone Project - Vehicle Requests
This app was created using React, Node, Express and JSON Web Tokens. It allows users to register and create an account. They can then log in and make a vehicle service request, view past requests and log out.
Jobly - The Job Search App
In this job search app, I created an API and added filtering, authorizations and the ability to submit a job application. It was built using Node, Express and PostgreSQL
Hack-Or-Snooze Application
This site uses AJAX and jQuery to allow users to create accounts, log in, create articles and mark articles as favorites.
Database DJ
Database DJ is a Flask application that allows users to create songs and playlists and add or remove songs from a playlist. It was built using WTForms and SQLAlchemy
Bootcamp Curriculum
An 800-hour course covers key aspects of front-end web development, back-end web development, databases, and data structures and algorithms. Modules include learning resources, practice exercises,projects, and career-related coursework.- Web Development, JavaScript, DOM Manipulation, Event Driven Programming, Git/Terminal/Github,Modern JavaScript and Testing, AJAX, jQuery, ReactJS, Redux, SQL, PostgresQL, Flask, Node,Express, Data Structures and Algorithms.
About Me
I am a QA Engineer transitioning to become a software developer. With a strong background in quality assurance, I am now focusing on expanding my skills in software development. Passionate about creating efficient and reliable software solutions, I am dedicated to continuous learning and growth in the field. Let's connect and discuss how I can contribute to your projects.
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